Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I maintain my HVAC system?

Even if your heating and air conditioning system was built to last, it has to be maintained. A properly maintained system will last longer with fewer breakdowns and save money every month through lower fuel bills. So you haven’t noticed any problems with your heating and air-conditioning system, eh? If you don’t regularly change the oil in your car, you won’t notice problems caused by lack of maintenance until the engine stops running, either. The price of an oil change is much cheaper than the cost of a new engine! The same is true with your heating and air conditioning system. You may not notice the little problems in the short run – but they will always catch up with you in the long run, and it costs a lot more to wait. Maxwell Mechanical helps homeowners and building owners get the best performance possible from their heating and air conditioning systems through regular preventive maintenance; we know, and our customers know, that preventative maintenance works.

How long does a gas furnace or air conditioner last?

The average life of a gas furnace is 15-20 years. The average life of an air conditioner is 15 – 20 years. Regular maintenance helps prolong the life of heating and air conditioning systems.

Why should I replace my working air conditioner or furnace?

Although your present furnace or air conditioner may be working, if it is more than 20 years old, you should consider replacing it with a new high-efficiency system. A new heating and air conditioning system could save up to 50 percent on energy costs. While these products save you money on your utility bills, they also offer better comfort within your home.

What's the difference between a boiler and a furnace?

A boiler uses fuel(gas/propane/oil, etc.) or electricity to generate hot water and, in some cases, steam, which is piped to radiation or fan coil systems in your house. A furnace burns oil or gas to heat air, which is forced by a fan through a large ducted system and blown through registers in various parts of the house. Generally speaking, a boiler system has a longer life expectancy than that of a furnace for a hot air system.

Why is my furnace so noisy?

Among other reasons, it could be a worn fan belt, bad bearings, or bearings that need lubrication. Some older furnaces just have little inefficiencies, which results in louder than normal operation, for example, a furnace door not being closed properly.

Should I choose time and material or approve an estimate?

Both time and material and estimated projects have their merits, and neither is inherently better than the other. Time and material projects benefit from billing for exact hours and materials used, potentially saving you money. However, always be ready to pay your bill, as it's based on precise information rather than estimates. Compared with an estimate, you are already aware of the cost and can put a deposit down on the job.